
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Enviroggedon Postponed...

(Image:  From the movie poster The Day After Tomorrow)

Mark Steyn usually likes to bash "warmmongers" as he calls environmentalists with their gloomy predictions of future eco-tastrophy.  While Mark Steyn has been laying low for health reasons, FOX News picked up the slack with this article:

What will earth's environment be like in the future? 

It's anybody's guess.

Planning to Fight the Last War?

David Wood, the military correspondent for Politics Daily, expresses concern in his recent article, that US military strategists may be planning on fighting the previous war.  That is, a continuation of counterinsurgency operations.  Mr. Wood cautions us not to throw away those manuals on conventional warfare.  That in light of growing tension between the US and Iran, North Korea and maybe even China, we may need to fight an all out conventional war--if we can:

This news item causes an extensive debate among my friends:

I think this will be the future story after the next war – why did the U.S. spend so much time on low intensity conflict and forget how to fight real wars? After all, I do not see any more nation-building sorts of interventions any time soon, but a war in Korea or with China is not beyond the realm of possibility.

I don't know. I can also imagine our entering into the fray in Mexico if we are able to extricate ourselves from Iraq and/or Afghanistan, and points further south aren't completely beyond the realm of possibilities either...

Perhaps, but I don't think we will have the political will to intervene on a massive scale (i.e. Iraq/AF). Mexico is a possibility, but I have my doubts about nation-building down south.
My take is that the costs of failure on the high-intensity end are tremendous, while the costs on the lower end are much lower (but not necessarily low).

Agreed...To get our asses handed to us by the norKs or the ChiComs would be disastrous, whereas a setback in a COIN/LIC is just that, a setback, and something we'll have time to recover from. Heck, we would still have the choice to escalate or withdraw. A buttkicking on the Peninsula would be forever.

If North Korea is the logic for having an army capable of fighting "big wars" you're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Defeating the North Korean Army is the South Korean Army's job, a job they are quite capable of doing.

Our contributions will be primarily air, naval, as well logistics and C4ISR.

"There's a belief that the president of the United States can pick up the red phone and order forcible entry operations'' like the 2003 invasion of Iraq, said Army Maj. Gen. Dan Bolger, who commands the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana. "But that takes practice, and we don't get a lot of practice.''

I find Bolger's comments interesting because he is the guy who in the early 1990s wrote the Parameters article - The Ghosts of Omdurman where he argued that the future was going to be geared toward low intensity conflict and that Desert Storm was an aberration.

Frankly, from a standpoint of future force structure, I find it very unlikely that we will be getting into a major force on force land conflict and beyond that after Iraq and Afghanistan I find unlikely that we'll be committing large numbers of ground low intensity conflicts. So, I know it is not a PC view right now because of the burden being carried by our ground forces but for future planning I think our air and naval forces should get priority.

I see the U.S. as back to our roots - maritime power is where we should focus in the mid-term (and that includes air). I agree that a ground war with China is highly unlikely, but I am not so sanguine about a war in Korea.

I'm not so sanguine about an all-out shooting war with North Korea either.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"The Day the Music Died"

Yesterday, fans of Seattle's Smooth Jazz Station, KWJZ 98.9, received a shock: The station now called "Click FM" changed its format and will no longer be playing jazz. I've enjoyed listening to this station from the first night I tuned in to it 12 years ago this very month.

Sometimes, it's small events that make you say "WTF?" While this radio station's format change may not have any earth-shattering geo-political repurcussions, it is truly upsetting to long-time listeners.

When I first tuned in last night, I thought someone had their wires crossed, or there was some atmospheric disturbance causing my radio to receive a Portland radio station. (That's happened before). Then I went online, saw the notice on the website and received Carol Handley's newsletter in my e-mail account.

I discovered smooth jazz when I moved here 12 years ago. I was flipping through the stations and came across Diana Rose's lovely voice during one of her City Lights programs.

She certainly got my attention!

Then the music grew on me and I've loved jazz ever since.

I never thought I'd take a deactivation of a radio station so hard, but I'm really saddened to see KWJZ dissappear from the airwaves, because it introduced me to a new realm of music.

Text of Carol Handley's newsletter message:
To the KWJZ Family,

For 19 years 98.9 KWJZ has been presenting a mix of Smooth Jazz music for you, our very loyal music fans and radio listeners. It is with sadness that we inform you that this era for 98.9 FM has come to a close.

Technologies change and the new radio audience measurement is not favoring our once “ratings-strong” Smooth Jazz music format. I encourage you to continue to support the artists who make the music and the venues who bring them to the Northwest.

It is with huge gratitude on behalf of the entire KWJZ staff that we thank you for being here with us for these many years.


Carol Handley
Program Director

The fans certainly are not happy. The station's Facebook page is still up and running, while the complaints continue to pour in, (you must have a Facebook account to read the link):!/989KWJZ

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gitmo Detainees Fall Under Our Spells (We Wish)

Hot Air brings us a story of a Gitmo detainee claiming the US employed Jewish witches against them.  What's even more disturbing than this outrageous claim, is that Al-Jazeera regards this as a serious story: 

One of my friends quipped:

Too bad it didn't work. Apparently they are still around to bitch about.

To which, I replied:

Yeah, it figures. We went with the lowest bidding contractor and hired the dropouts from Hogwarts.

Other comments soon followed:

Wow, Jews and witches. What's next, Navajo intergators forced them to take peyote?

I'm certain they were forced to be in close proximity to (shudder) women...when we all know that's torture.  Of course goats, sheep, and young boys are all A-OK!

And it’ll be better now, with DADT.

We could just have my two beagles slobber all over them...

"And There Was Much Rejoicing..."

Yesterday, Obama signed the bill repealing the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy on banning homosexuals from openly serving.  The Globe and Mail of Canada has the story of the rejoicing within The Beltway:

Meanwhile, in the wilds of Afghanistan, a possible unintended consequence emerges:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wiki Humor

Today's Frank & Ernest, by Thaves

Today's Non Sequitur, by Wiley Miller

Note:  Click on images for a larger view.
I'm sure there's some dreadful machinations & happenings going on somehwere.  However, I thought I'd start the pre-Christmas Monday with some much-needed humor.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Next Step for Hugo Chavez: President-for-Life

According to Reuters, the Venezuelan Legislature voted today to give Hugo Chavez "decree powers" for 18 months.  Of course, it will be such a hassle painting over all the cult-of-personality murals plastered throughout the nation.

I hope the Venezuelans are happy that Chavez will make their "trains run on time."

The comments from friends are as follows:

It's official - Venezuela has lost it's collective mind...

But it worked so well for the Germans in the past...

So in VZ you have the legislature enabling a dictator and that is okay.  In Turkey you have the military trying to ensure the viability of secular democracy and that is not okay.

Don't forget that in Honduras you have the military acting at the behest of the courts and the legislature to uphold their oath to defend the constitution by preventing the president from becoming Hugo 2.0 and that is not okay either...

Friday, December 17, 2010

More Noise from North Korea

North Korea is pitching a fit (again).  This time it's over South Korea's "provocative plan" to conduct a scheduled exercise.

From Yahoo News:

Comrade Karla asks a good question:

So what is this ding dong Richardson doing sticking his oar in when it's attitudes like his who got this problem to be as bad as it is in the first place? Keep appeasing the Norks? Yeah, that'll work well.

The ROKs have apparently went from 20% supporting being tougher with the North before the sinking of the Cheonan, to over 70% supporting a military response to N. Korean boorishness...I go with classic Star Trek on that one: "What the North Koreans say is unimportant, and we do not hear their words."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The California Canary

(Image:  Mexifornia by Cox)

One of our favorite commentators, Victor Davis Hanson (VDH), discusses the "two Californias" in this article posted on the National Review Online (NRO):

Comments from my friends ranged from tongue & cheek (but true):

A great article. The first paragraph is a great summary of condition of the State of California. I think the Golden State however, should be eventually be renamed based on the proliferation of these conditions and the likely addition of more onerous or even heinous conditions and acts by the State's occupants. To reflect the decay of this once great state, one where I grew up and currently live, I propose the name be changed to the State of "Californiazimbabwe." The governor upon taking office will assume the title of "Mugabe Governor," like " Mugabe Governor Jerry Brown." This title will remain as part of the official office title until things improve. If they do not, then when their term(s) expire, the governor, as a former public office holder, will retain the "Mugabe" portion of the tile in perpetuity and perhaps made to wear some special clothes or a funny hat during all public appearances. Conditional removal of the title prefix would be based on several metrics including economic growth (perhaps an adjusted mid-1980s standard (when the aerospace sector was a big contributor)), fewer small business regulations, environmental restoration (including a significant decrease in graffiti and other acts of vandalism), educational improvement, and infrastructural revitalization just to start. Or maybe we could just try to become part of Arizona.

Along with those concerned about problems within their own states

One of the commentators at the bottom [of the article on the NRO site] had it right though. California is the canary in the coalmine and what is happening there will come to your home town and not in the too distant future. Kind of like when I lived in NoVa in '94 and the Vagina-ians would say "Illegal immigration?! Not our problem!" I'm glad they enjoy the fruits of that wisdom with their entrenched MS-13 problem...

(Hence the inspiration for the title of this post).

Nor is the Third Worldization confined to southern border states:

The formerly peaceful, quaint, post card perfect and strict Christian small town Holland, Michigan has Hispanic gangs now.

And the illegal alien problem isn't confined to Hispanics either:

And, don’t forget Dearborn, Michigan . . . I mean, it ain’t just Hispanics we’ve got to worry about trying to change us. I mean anybody who settles in this country without the desire to assimilate.

Therein lies the key, as VDH mentions in his article:  The refusal to assimilate into America:

Crux of the problem - to the people who don't live in areas where the illegals settle, they are still just cheap labor. They can also turn a blind eye to the impoverished conditions Dr. Hanson described that their cheap laborers are living in. Until this changes, I don't see the problem going away. I also think that part of the way to start changing opinions is to start calling out those who view illegals as a great source of cheap labor (this includes Senator McCain) as defending a modern day version of slavery and helping to prop up a sick human trafficking network that is no different than the slave trade of old. I've found that this makes people very uncomfortable.

I like that angle—the problem is you’re ueber libs will come back with “That’s why we need amnesty etc etc!,” completely missing the point that any form of amnesty would not change the economics of the situation one bit.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No Place is Safe from Jihad

When I'm off work, I hardly pay any attention to the news, except anything my friends e-mail me.  So I didn't hear about the car bombs that went off in Stockholm, Sweden until today.  I guess some folks are "relieved" that Tamyour al-Abdaly, the gent who self-detonated, was radicalized in warmongering London, rather than peaceful Sweden.

S.E. Cupp, rolls-in on this false hope in a NY Daily News editorial:

When Will the North Korean Madness Stop?

A dire warning about the rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula:

And what will we do?  One friend suggested it will be "the usual:"

I'm sure we're getting the Word File all prepared and spell-checked with our next stern note. Which will be diluted to a calm reprimand….which will be watered to a gentle reminder that war hurts..which will suddenly become a US-ROK apology before it is actually delivered to Pyong Yang.
I'm just as in favor of diplomacy as the next guy. But I am so tired of this stupid dance. The next time something like a NORK shelling takes place, somebody needs to find their bollocks and remove the source of the attack from the map. Then we can follow up with all the notes we like.

And another responded with:

Well...this particular next guy is not all that much in favor of diplomacy as it is currently practiced by the U.S., because diplomacy does not work when the goal of one side of the negotiations is not to actually get the best deal for itself but rather to keep the process moving and doing what is necessary in order to keep the other side onboard and at the negotiating table (i.e. just like the ongoing "stupid dance" with North Korea). And, unfortunately, that's pretty much what American diplomacy has devolved to nowadays across the board (as is pretty evident from all the purportedly official State Department cables leaked by that internet organization-which-cannot-be-named (cables whose validity, of course, can be neither confirmed nor denied).
Which is ultimately the reason I think it is foolhardy for the U.S. to be continuously engaged with the rest of the world any more than is absolutely necessary, because almost by definition now our engagement with virtually everyone (except our friends, whom we eventually betray) consists of concession after concession after concession for minimal to no benefit to ourselves. Unless there is some revolution in the way the U.S. conducts its foreign policy, which I don't foresee, why on earth are we continuing to play a game at which we are continually sabotaging ourselves such that we cannot win?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"She Blinded Me With..." Non-Scientific Mumbo-Jumbo

(Image:  Raquel Welch in the movie One Million Years BC)

I didn't know there was such a thing as "non-scientific" anthropology.  Apparently there is, and the non-scientists have expunged the word "science" from the American Anthropological Association's mission statement.

The New York Times (NYT) has the story:

My less-than nuanced friends had this to say:

Although I'm not an anthropologist, I've been seeing this in other social sciences, as well. While most blame the right for undermining sceince with religious convictions, the Left is every bit as culpable--maybe more so since they essentially control higher education. In this case, the left is leading the charge...

"The purposes of the association shall be to advance public understanding of humankind in all its aspects."

Says it all. Remove science, and you can make up any BS you want.

PS - The field of academic history has pretty much been ruined by this mindset and has done far more damage than the right could ever dream of.

Note:  The title in quotation marks refers to the song She Blinded Me With Science, by Thomas Dolby.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wee Willi Wiki

Julian Assange, WikiLeaks' founder, was arrested in London today.  Despite contributions by leftist friends, the judge denied him bail.  The UK's Daily Mail has the story:

On what grounds the Leaker-in-Chief was arrested is a tawdry tale.  The Daily Mail has the dirty laundry:

Throughout all this Assange continues threatening to leak more classified information, to include a "doomsday" file, which he supposedly disseminated to thousands of folks in the event of his "untimely demise," or any attacks launched against his website.

I say "publish and be damned."  It's time to burn this cyber-spy ring down.

A Day of Infamy

69 years ago today...

Map of the harbor and the ships that were hit:

The Arizona Memorial:

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Best Hanukka Present Ever...

By November's end, Google earth made a shocking discovery:  A Star of David placed on the roof of Iran Air's headquarters. 

While various news agencies carried this story, I thought I'd go right to "the source."  That is, The Jerusalem Post to see what the "zionist entity" had to say for itself:

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Leak Too Far...

WikiLeaks massive data dump of classified US State Department materials has caused quite a splash.

And now its time of a splashback--finally.

Interpol is now looking for the Leaker-in-Chief, Julian Assange, for rape charges in Sweden. 

Some folks, especially our liberal elite, wonder what all the fuss is about, because they don't get stirred up about such old-fashioned concepts like "treason" or "espionage."

Charles Krauthammer rolls-in on why we should hammer him and his organization:

How much damage has Assange and his "Wikifreak" cronies have done?

The Daily Beast provides us with the Top 9:

But fortunately, all is not going WikiLeaks way.  Note the sidebar article and video in Charles Krauthammer's article:  WikiLeaks is now operating on a Swiss server, because the US one pulled the plug.

And also pulled the plug:

Assange and his merry men may be so stuck on themselves they failed to realize when they're gone off the deep end--like threatening to expose bucket loads of Russia's secrets.  If this is the case, as The Daily Beast speculates, Mr Assange may hope Interpol finds him first:

And there just might be a thin silver lining in all this.  The publicized documents and cables show American diplomatic personnel actively trying to help resolve the crises that are plaguing the world.  Again, from The Daily Beast:

Note:  I didn't have the opportunity to comment on this story earlier.  Hence the long, multi-linked post this evening.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Jihadist Who Almost Stole Christmas...

...or at least Black Friday.

Above is the booking photo of Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a 19-year old who's had visions of jihad dancing in his head since he was 15.  He tried detonating a car bomb during a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, OR.

Fortunately, all the material was inert, thanks to the FBI who managed this sting operation.   Yahoo and AP has the story: 

At 19, I guess he couldn't wait any longer to get his alloted 72 virgins.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Breaking News: N. Korea Fires Artillery Rounds into S. Korea

While working through nightshift, my coworker and I caught this special report bulletin:  North Korea fired several artillery rounds into South Korea, inflicting several casualties.  (The artillery battery pictured above is a generic photo).

The Washington Post (WaPo) has this unfolding story:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Seattle-Tacoma's Winter Wonderland

(Image of morning commute from:  The Seattle Times)

Winter held the Pacific Northwest in it's icy grip throughout the day.  A combination of below-freezing temperatures, high wind and snowfall was enough to cause major traffic snarls during the morning commute.
From The Seattle Times: 

(Image of the evening commute from:  The Seattle Times)

While this morning's commute was bad, this evening's was worse.  We got hit with another round of snow, but thanks to my 4-wheel drive, I made it in to work.  (I hijacked the picture above before leaving).
Once again, from The Seattle Times:

But as the evening wore on, things got ugly, especially in Seattle:

Parts of I-5 were at a complete standstill with folks stuck for over 6 hours--and counting--on the highway, with no relief in sight.

While a little additional snow is predicted for the next couple of days, temperatures are expected to remain below freezing.  The weather is suppose to warm up by Thanksgiving.

Something we can all be thankful for.

Here's a photo & video gallery (with a commercial), illustrating some highlights of today's weather:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Audacity of Grope

Yeah, this elderly woman is obviously a threat to national security. 

I copied the title of this post, from the following article in

Outrage over TSA's politically-correct infested procedure is growing.  Just like the Israelis, we know who our enemies are and it's time start profiling people instead of devices.  I became disgusted with the security procedures since the liquid bomber incident.  Since I get dehydrated easily, I use to pack my own water and sports drinks.  And I've been stranded too many times, that I liked taking a full-sized shaving kit with me to stay fresh during my ordeal.

I, along with millions of travelers, aren't allowed such conveniences anymore.  So the question is:  How much more are law-abiding travelers willing to take?

Charles Krauthammer rolls-in with an excellent piece in the Washington Post (WaPo) against the "...national homage to political correctness..." that is TSA:

Meanwhile, Sean Hannity and Mark Steyn, a long-time critic of the "shoeless shuffle," tag-team Lanny Davis over this issue in yesterday's episode of Hannity:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Salvatore Giunta: America's Newest Hero

Two days ago, President Obama awareded the Congressional Medal of Honor (CMH) to Staff Sergeant (SSG) Slavatore Giunta for his actions in Afghanistan.  What makes SSG Giunta's award so unique is that he survived his ordeal.

I can't put it any more eloquently than Willaim McGurn of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ):

Here's a Fox News article with a video interview of SSG Giunta:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night...

(Image:  Seattle Lightning by Marc Staiger, 07/03/08; on Storms in the City website)

While there were no reported lightning strikes, as depicted in the above photo, last night's storm roared in with 45-60 mph winds.  When I drove to the gym bright and early this morning, roadways were covered with pine needles, leaves and branches.  Little did I know that hundreds of thousands were without power.

The Seattle Times has the story:

Meanwhile tonight's forecast is:

Even though I was up and about, I didn't feel this morning's earthquake either:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Two Faces of Rememberence Day (11 November), UK

The above photo of a Rememberence Day Parade shows multiculturalism, coupled with assimilation, at its best.

Unlike the photo below, demonstrating what happens when you remove assimilation from the multiculturalism equation:

The UK's Mail Online has an excellent story on these events, highlighting the cultural fault line running through the British Isles:

Seminar on Russian Gangs

Last week I attended a one-day seminar on Russian gangs.  The speaker was Al Valdez, PhD., a specialist on youth violence and gang sociology.  He is also the author of Gangs: A Guide to Understanding Street Gangs

He was a very informative, engaging and amusing speaker.  I highly recommend attending any training session he teaches.

He can be contacted via his website at:

His book is available through

While we were given handouts, watched several short videos and had the opportunity to buy his book, I managed to jot down the following notes--

Quote from Vincente Fox, President of Mexico:

It is not the drugs or the guns, but the money that causes problems

Everybody has a price

Introductory Notes:

Joining gangs can be a matter of survival for teens in poorest parts of the world.

China is dumping money into S & C America to exploit its resources and build ports, which could inlfuence South American gangs and organized crime.

When you have a corrupt society, there is no one you can trust. Everyone wears multiple hats and have multiple personalities.

World-wide drug market: $400 billion.

US consumes ½ the worlds drugs.

Pot is the #1 illegal cash crop in the US.

Drug cartels use some proceeds for public works—a “Robin Hood” effect.

Generational Gangs:

1st—Turf Gangs, or street gangs
2nd—Market orientated gangs, drug centered
3rd—Mix of political/mercenary elements

--involved in: Politicization, Globalization (assisted by technology) and sophistication.

Concentration of economic and political power of these 3rd Level gangs is equal to, or greater than the GDP of many nation-states. These gangs pose a significant threat to national security (see Mexico).

The activities of gangs reduce the effectiveness of a nation’s police force(s) and military authority.

Russian Social Slang Terms:

Stilyagi—Youth’s imitating western culture.


Fanaty—rowdy soccer fans

Pacifics—Punk rockers

Rokery—Biker gangs

Metallisty—Metal band fans.

Banda—generic term for gangs


Bezprisornye—the current, generic term for gang.

Vorovskoy Zakon—Thieves Code.

American gang culture is/has been exported due to globalization.

“Mim”—mimicking cultures.

Gangs in Russia:

Gangs and organized crime (OC) have existed for 400 years, but first documented between 1918—1921. Then described as hooliganism.

1927—The “Neglected Children,” or “Gezpriornye,” orphans of the Russian Civil War and WWI. Russians used the term Informal Youth Groups (IYG). Russian delinquency reached as high as 70-75%.

In Russia, gang members are often coworkers.

Prison gangs formed first, then street gangs. (Whereas in the US it was just the opposite).

Poverty has played a big role. Many people are merely opportunistic, in order to take advantage of goods and services that are in short supply.

From 1960s-1980s over 35 million people were incarcerated in the USSR. (Compared to about 3 million in the US today).

Now about 28-30 million Russians have prison tattoos (“tatted”).

Russian prison gangs were known as the Society of Thieves or Thieves World.

From 1945-1953 prison violence was known as “The Bitch War.” During WII, many prisoners accepted Stalin’s promise of parole if they’d join the army and fight. When the war was over—they went back to prison and were looked down upon by the other prisoners. Called “Suki,” or bitches.

9 Nov 1989—The Berlin Wall falls.

25 Dec 1991—The USSR falls.

These events left a power vacuum in Russia in which OC took over.

1st US criminal activity of Russian Organized Crime (ROC)--?

There are now 200 ROC groups operating in the US.

ROC is now transnational. While in the US ROC has banded together with other gangs.

Nicknames: The Red Mafia, or Red Fellas.

Gang Initiations:

“Entry fee” into a gang is a “beat-in,” or “jump-in.” That is, the candidate is beaten by members in order to be accepted. Sometimes a “crime-in” can be done in place of a beat-in. For girls, they enter a gang through a “sex-in.” They do this for protection against physical or sexual violence. The girls are most often underage.

Gang Culture:

Spread through music--rap being the most popular.
Attracts 13-16 yr-olds.
4-11% of gang members are female.

There are 3 types of female gangs:

1. Auxiliaries of a male gang
2. Coed gangs
3. All-female gangs.

Most female gangs disappeared in Russia by ’96 and are now coed gangs.

19-24 yr-olds constitute 70% of gang members
10-30 yr-olds constitute 85% of gang members

Market types:

White—1st Tier, or legal goods
Grey—2nd Tier, or restricted goods, possibly illegal
Black—3rd Tier, or illegal goods

Gang Violence:

Violence is a universal language.

Violence is a strong cohesive force in the world.

Crime statistics can be skewed due to advances in modern medicine. Most shooting victims are rushed to the ER within the “Golden Hour,” where they stand an 85% chance of survival. Therefore, statistically speaking, deaths due to violent crime appear to have gone down, when in actuality, crime rates are escalating.

92% of gang violence is done with handguns.

Gang Organization:

Elite--Top Tier
Support and Security--Middle Tier
Working Teams--Low/Street Tier
Street operators do not know the identity of the upper tier leaders.

Typical Gang Activities:

Fuel Frauds
Fake IDs
Telecommunications Fraud
Medical Goods & Services Frauds
Medical and Auto Insurance Frauds
Loan Sharking
Auto Theft
Murder and Contract Hits
Money Laundering (for ROC primarily through Finland, Cayman Is., Europe and the US).

US Law vs. Gangs

It is not illegal to join a gang in the US. The Freedom of Association is guaranteed by the US Constitution. Therefore, US military and employees have to hire gang members.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Who'd a Thunk It?

News agencies are a-buzz over an exodus of folks from Arizona in the wake of it's impending tougher immigration law.  Depending on what article you read, these folks are classified as "aliens," "illegal aliens," or merely "Hispanics."

Here's an Hispanic slant from USA Today:

While Fox News rolls-in with the illegal alien angle:

Many of these folks are fleeing to other states within the US.  But what FOX News (and only FOX News) points out, is that many others are returning to Mexico. 

I should be surprised other news agencies aren't broadcasting this new phenomena.  But over the past several years, the main stream media has demonstrated its bias in nearly every breaking story.

Back to the folks leaving Arizona:  Amazing what happens when laws are enforced isn't it?

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Evergreen State Retains its Tinge of Blue

The WA State senatorial race finally ended.  Dino Rossi, the Republican contender, conceded earlier today with the results, according to the Tacoma News Tribune, of:


A 2.54% lead, is not exactly a mandate.

The Seattle Times has the full story:

One of my friends made this excellent observation:  That our newly re-elected senator must be on really thin ice.  During her campaign, she had the following political heavyweights fly in to help her out:  Obama--twice, the First Lady and Joe Biden.  And yet she couldn't get beyond a 3% lead.

Patti Murray, along with several other senators and congressmen, managed to hang on to their seats, despite the Republican resurgence on Election Day.  For WA State, it usually boils down to Seattle/King County, Everett/Snohomish County and Olympia/Thurston County, being the final arbiters of elections.

At least we're not as bad off as New York or California:


I think this assessment by Mark Steyn in his Reading the Tea Leaves blog during the Election Night coverage, is spot-on:

11.45pm In California, Barbara Boxer and Jerry Brown have beaten Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman, two Republican candidates tailored for the Golden State, professional, centrist, and without any of that establishment-disturbing Tea Party craziness like certain lady candidates in Delaware and Nevada. And they both lost. I think we're seeing in California the limits of the democratic process in a Big Government state. The statist workforce and the dependency class can outvote the productive class. And, given the number of Californian small businesses who'll be ordering the U-Haul in the morning, that electoral gap will only widen in 2012 and beyond. California is Greece: The arithmetic does not allow for meaningful correction. The question is whether Texas and other non-insane states will volunteer to play Germany to Sacramento's ouzo-swiggers.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Liberal Pundit Spin on Election Day 2010

MSNBC, as well as liberal pundits from other networks and news agencies, pulled out all the stops to denigrate the GOP wins on Election Day.

S.E. Cupp rolls-in on several of the worst biased offenders in the NY Daily News:

Meanwhile, The Daily Beast, posted a collection of choice video clips:

And it's not just the conservative, "worse than the Taliban," commentators that have taken notice.  Apparently, Ol' Tingly Legs Matthews is drawing fire for his "hypnotized" comments at Michelle Bachmann:

Even CNN was given a passing grade for unbiased election coverage.  No wonder MSNBC is dead last in the viewership ratings.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Well, You Can't Win 'Em All

Before Election Day was officially over at midnight, it was clear the Republicans will gain control of the House of Representatives, while the Democrats retain control of the Senate.  Pundits are still sifting through the data and reading the politcal tea leaves.

From FOX News:

With a similar story from the Seattle Times:

Unfortunately, for us right-of-center folks here in the Evergreen State, it appears that Patty Murray will be able to retain her seat in the Senate:

However, even more important than the candidates, the WA State midterm election was about several proposals that were on the ballot.  This is one of the few states in the union without a state income tax--and Washingtonians voted to keep it that way.  The tax on soda, candy and bottled water, the state legislature snuck in last year was also tossed.  The details are in the Seattle Times:

Despite how one feels about the election's outcome anywhere in the country, the results send a clear message to politicians who think of themselves as our political ruling class:  You better keep "checking your 6 o'clock position" (your backside)--you answer to We, the People.

Monday, November 1, 2010

T'was the Night Before Election Day...

Most pundits agree that Republicans will make gains throughout the country in tomorrow's Election Day.

The question is:  How big will their gains be?

FOX News has an Election 2010 guide:

From a local perspective, the Seattle Times highlights key races and the decisive times:

Speaking of local perspective, here in the Evergreen State, one of my coworkers pointed out that Patty Murray is having some real problems.  Despite visits by Obama (twice), First Lady Michelle Obama and Joe Biden, she's still fighting for her political life against Dino Rossi.  Polls show it to be either a dead heat, or she's ahead by a mere 2%.

Regardless of this almost-good news, a few of us are rather cynical about Washington State's electoral process.  It will probably come down to Seattle/King County deciding the winner and only after several recounts until the person with  the parenthetical "D" attached to their name is declared the winner.

We'll see.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

(Illustration by

Happy Halloween!

I've always considered Halloween a fun prelude to the Holiday Season.  (A time to be a little naughty, before you have to be nice).

Here's the history of Halloween according to Wikipedia:

But after the Halloween treats, come Election Day tricks.  Frank and Ernest by Thaves, nails it:

(Click no image to enlarge)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Special Delivery from Yemen

Today's news was dominated by suspicious packages, toner cartridges with circuit boards and wiring, turned up in the UK, NY, NJ and PA.

Obama addressed the nation for a few minutes confirming that a terrorist plot was afoot:

Here's the video of Obama's address:

Want to know how to turn a toner cartridge into a bomb?  Here's how:

While this piece gives a general rundown on how today's events unfolded:

I've always admired Walid Phares's knowledge of the middle east and islamic terrorism.  Here's a video clip of his appearance on Neil Cavuto's Your World:

I agree with Dr. Phares's comments.  Our current administration is still looking at islamic terrorism through their ideological blinders.  That is, our ruling class thinks if they can lift the terrorist wannabees out of poverty, it will remove the motivation to self detonate or open fire in a crowd.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Illegal Aliens Canvassing for Votes here in WA State

And as you might guess, they're not soliciting for Republican candidates.  Nor are they freaky looking extra terrestrials, as picture in last year's controversial--but popular--Halloween costume, shown above.

They're folks primarily from Central and South American countries, trying to drum up sympathy and support from the legal immigrant communities.

FOX News has the story:

The illegal aliens participating in this program are hoping to "rock the vote" by getting enough of their legalized brethren to tip the scales at the ballot box.  This strategy, however is a double edged sword and could very well back fire on them.

We'll know for sure in just over a week.

Maybe there is a good reason why Election Day comes right after Halloween...

Friday, October 22, 2010

You're Fired! (For Speaking ill of Islam)

Earlier this week, Juan Williams, an analyst for NPR, was fired for comments he made on FOX's O'Reilly Factor.  Mr. Williams is a regular guest on FOX, often sparring with Bill O'Reilly.  Fortunately it's "all's well that ends well"--sort of:

While Mr. Williams landed on his feet, the bigger concern is why he was fired in the first place.  While on the O'Reilly Factor, Mr. Williams expressed concern for being on the same airplane with someone dressed in full Muslim garb.

In other words, he expressed an opinion many of us share--and with good reason.  Islamists have been self detonating, or opening fire on people in nearly every country they occupy.  But among the multiculti crowd one cannot state such obvious facts. 

What suprised me about he NY Daily News poll is that 68% of the respondents said "yes" Mr. Williams deserved to be fired.

For the record:  I voted "no."

Mr. Williams is not a "typical" conservative.  In fact, his political views are all over the map, which is what makes him so entertaining to watch on FOX News.  You never know what position he is going to take until he opens his mouth.  In this case, NPR (National Pravda Radio?) showed that it's willing to eat it's own if they don't tote the multiculti party line.

Victor Davis Hanson, rolls-in on NPR with the following 10-point editorial:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Whoops II !

Three weeks ago, the Iran was hit with a cyber attack that crippled its nuclear power program.  (See 27 September blogpost).  Now there's a report that a series of blasts damaged Iran's missile facility near Khorramabad.

In From the Cold has what little details there are on this story:

Color me "not surprised."

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Deutschland Uber Alles"

(Image from Christian Science Monitor)

All is not well in the Fatherland.  German Chancellor Angela Merkal issued this damning statement yesterday:  That attempts to build a multicultural Germany has "utterly failed."  The BBC has the story:

Nor is the head of the German ship-of-state the only one who feels this way.  The regular volk are becoming more irritated with the Muslim immigration situation.  This story ran in The Local five days ago: 

One of our on-line friends had this to say:

Q: What do you call it when a group of people enter a country with no intent to assimilate?

A: An invasion.

While I agree with the above comments, given Germany's history, I'm not so sure whether I'm happy about this news--or concerned.