(Image by Robert Ariail) |
Before the creation of CNN, there were only three major networks: ABC, CBS and NBC.
All of who, along with MSNBC, love airing the dirty laundry...
(Image by Lisa Benson) |
...of Republican politicians.
A couple weeks ago the
Clintonian corruption made the news--again.
However, if you only get your news from television's original triumvirate,
you'd never know that Hillary is now in the epicenter of the Russian Collusion Scandal.
I use to think MSNBC was the shrillest of the news networks. But it looks like cable news trendsetting CNN
hit rock-bottom--and has started to dig.
None of the latest "bombshells" are too surprising. They've merely confirmed what us like-minded folks suspected all along: That the "unbiased" media, isn't as unbiased as they claim to be.
(Image by Bob Gorrell--I've used this one before. It's too good to pass up!) |
But it's not just television that's turning off a lot of viewers.
Greg Gutfeld explains
why magazines suck.
I never paid any attention to the pop culture magazines mentioned in
The Five's video.
I use to subscribe to
Military History magazine, and would read each issue cover-to-cover. Then several years ago the articles took a distinct leftward turn. Even after getting barraged by angry Letters to the Editor, the editorial politburo continued it's long march. I let my subscription lapse and haven't read a single issue since.
Now I see a similar turn with
Writer's Digest, a magazine supposedly about writing and getting published. In every issue, at least one author has to toss-in some leftist political-social comment. I'm letting my subscription to this magazine lapse too.
At least I'll be uncluttering my mailbox and maybe even reduce my carbon footprint.
While I get a sense of shadenfreude over the shrinking subscriptions and viewerships of these lefty businesses, I won't get excited over any open secret bombshells about Bill & Hill...
(Another image by Bob Gorrell) |
...until they're indicted, and behind bars--without bail.