(Image by Lisa Benson) |
Apparently, the showdown was a ratings blowout.
However, despite the hoopla, Hillary can't get past the margin of error. Both candidates remain highly unpopular with opposing voters.
(Image by Dana Summers) |
But according to the Clinton News Agencies...
(Image by Bob Gorrell) |
...we're being told Hillary won the debate hands-down--except that American voters (and some Democrats) think otherwise.
Even Michael Moore warned that Trump won the debate and that fellow liberals should quit dancing in the end-zone, that is, get out and vote, otherwise Trump will be elected.
(Image by Glenn McCoy) |
While the media is eager to crown Hillary as Our Corrupt Queen, I can think of lots of reasons Hillary shouldn't be president. In fact, Catherine Dunn did a lot of homework, and came up with 200 reasons Hillary is unfit to be president.
Meanwhile, it's just over a month away until election day. Ann Coulter has some advice for Trump the next time he tangles with Hillary or one of her minions: Avoid taking their bait and talking about yourself.