(Image by Bob Gorrell) |
I was off duty for most of last week, and coincidentally so was my wife. Unfortunately, while we enjoyed our time together the news-cycle didn't stop.
So here's a run-down of the top stories that broke during 2017's opening week.
First, US intelligence agencies concluded the
Bare-Chested Czar ordered in "interference campaign" to help the Boorish Billionaire defeat the Corrupt Queen. Later, they
presented their findings to Congress. Despite Leftists' hue & cry over "Russian Hacking!" there was
no evidence of any votes being changed during the election. But even ABC's Jon Karl pointed out
why didn't Obama freak out when China hacked the US Office of Personnel Management?
(Image by Robert Ariail) |
Some hackers, spies and diplomats are more equal than others, I guess.
The assurances that the Ruskies didn't defile and voting data still wasn't enough to keep the out-of-touch Hollywierd celebrities from staying out of the political limelight--again. Several celebs--none of whom I recognized--made a video demanding Congress oppose our Boorish Billionaire Prez Elect. The good folks at
Townhall concocted this parody:
And Now, A Special Message to Predictable, Self-Important Hollywood Celebrities.
I re-watched both videos straight on
YouTube so I could "Like" and "Dislike" as appropriate. What I found curious about the original video was the Like and Dislike buttons were disabled. It could have been
operator error a glitch, or as I posted in the comment section: Maybe they don't want to know how many folks dislike this video.
The week took a horrific turn when
four thugs were arrested for the kidnapping and torture of mentally disabled man--and posting their torture porn on
Facebook. After some hemming & hawing over the
video, Windy City's Finest finally ruled the
torture of the Trump supporter to be a hate crime.
Now I agree with Gutfeld--
hate crimes suck--primarily for the slippery definition employed by Leftists. In addition be being glad the victim is still alive, and the thuggish foursome are in jail--without bail--I'm content to see the same rules being applied in this case and not allowing Leftists to whitewash this evil act as
"bad home training," or that hate crimes are only committed by whites against minorities.
Unfortunately, this was Evil's warm-up routine.
On Friday (6 January),
5 people were killed and another 8 wounded when Estaban Santiago opened fire on fellow travelers in the Baggage Claim Area of Fort Lauderdale's Airport.
Fortunately, the killer was captured.
Feds will be charging the killer and won't rule out terror.
Normally, I don't like it when officials and the media go wishy-washy on terrorism (or hypocritical on hate crimes), but it does sound like Santiago had issues before he went on his killing spree.
Even so, Mark Steyn summed it all up with his article on
Identity Politics and Dehumanization.
While Barry O's days in the Oval Office are numbered, I'm afraid there will be plenty of WTFO news in the year(s) ahead.