
Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Spy Who Came In From the Campaign Trail

(Image by Henry Payne)

Over the past week, Our Grand Nagus claimed the g-men inserted an informant into his staff during the 2016 Presidential Campaign.  Yesterday, 25 House Republicans Introduced a a resolution for a second special council to investigate FBI and FISA abuse.

Various FOX News shows trumpeted this could expose the shenanigans of Barry O and Our Corrupt Queen during the eight-year Era of Hope & Change. 

Meanwhile, the other network subsidiaries of the Ministry of Truth claim this is all fake news and want the public to focus on "more important topics..."

(Image by A.F. Branco)

Until Hillary and Obama are served subpoenas, I'm not going to get too excited over this.

There are all kinds of news stories out there on the interwebs containing all the alleged gory details and finger pointing.

Enough to make your head hurt.

Rather than sour your mood for the Memorial Day Weekend, I'll leave you with Mark Steyn's entertaining Tinker, Tailor, Clapper, Carter, Downer, Halper, Spy synopsis.

(Image by Bob Gorrell)

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Dems and MSM Defend MS-13

(Image by:  AF Branco)

A couple of days ago, Our Grand Nagus triggered Democrats, the MSM (non-FOX News mainstream media) and probably assorted snowflakes.


What was his most recent heinous crime against political correctness?

Referring to members of the violent gang, MS-13, as "animals." 

Of course, CNN and AP felt Trump's comment needed some "editing," which made it appear as if he were referring to immigrants in general. 

Fortunately, they were called on their cherry-picking and corrected their stories.

The triggering effect spilled over into the White House Press Corps. So Sarah Sanders told the pearl-clutchers they are more than welcome to defend MS-13, and Trump's term "animals" wasn't strong enough.

DHS Secretary, Kristjen Nielsen, took it one step further and said the Democrats owe Trump an apology for spreading fake news.

Yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath either.

Whether or not MS-13 gangbangers are "animal, vegetable or mineral" is beside the point.  We don't need to import violent criminals.  We have more than enough problems with our own home-grown ones.

Yesterday, Dimitrious Pagourtzis shot and killed 10 of his fellow high school students and wounded another 10 in Sante Fe, Texas.

More details on this latest mass shooting to follow.

Meanwhile, my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Seattle’s Politburo Double-Downs on Head Tax

Two days ago, the Seattle Politburo Voted 9-0 for a scaled-down version of a head tax ($275 per head, as opposed to the original $500).

Business owners asked:  How is that a compromise?

Good question.

And it’s not just the Fat Cat/One Percenters who are upset by this decision:  A KIRO 7 poll shows a clear majority are opposed to this venture.

And still the Politburo is shocked & dismayed over all this.

The good news is, that six of the nine city council members are up for re-election.

In the meantime, national news outlets have picked up the story, like Matt Vespa’s Facepalm.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Iran Deal Now Dead

(Image by Gary Varvel)

Yesterday, Our Grand Nagus unilaterally yanked us out of the Iran Nuke Deal.

Guy Benson cited three great reasons why Trump was right to withdraw from a bad deal with the cheating, terrorist-sponsoring regime.

(Image by Bob Gorrell)

But of course, this triggered the usual suspects like--

--Barry O (even though key key Democrats thought the deal was garbage and didn't vote for it)

--Lurch (a.k.a. John Kerry)

--And at least one Deep State media mouthpiece.

There'll be more weeping & wailing from the Ministry of Truth's minions and audience in the days ahead.

But here's a glimpse of what their double-standard looks like:

(Image by Glenn McCoy)

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Head Tax Comes to a Head

The Peoples Democratic Republic of Seattle has a lot in common with metropolitan areas across the country--

--Stricter gun control laws
--Higher crime rates
--Higher taxes
--A growing homeless population, and
--Ruled by Democrats for about 50 years

Earlier this week the Seattle Politburo concocted a cunning plan to slap a head tax on large companies for the purpose of raising slush fund to alleviate the homelessness crisis.

The Seattle Politburo thought the bourgeois business owners and their proletariat minions would be cool with this.

They were shocked to discover how wrong they were:

Fury and frustration erupt over proposed head tax.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Denied Travel for Terminally ill

(Image by Mike Lester)

I usually don't comment on end-of-life/right-to-die issues.  It's too hot of a hot-button issue for me to handle, with a solid-grey overcast moral issues.

It's one thing for a contentious debate to erupt over what's the most humane course of action (or inaction) to take for someone who's terminally ill.

It's quite another for a government to deny a terminally ill person the right to travel outside the country, where help is offered.

Such was the case of Alfie Evans (2016-2018), the British infant who died this past Saturday.

Mark Steyn asked:  Life belongs only to the strong?

Ashton Birdie, I YouTuber I recently stumbled across, discussed the truth about the UK's "free" healthcare.

Not only did Her Majesty's Government deny the Evans family a chance to travel elsewhere to help their ailing son, but Merseyside Police will be monitoring social media--and may act--against those expressing their displeasure over this tragedy

I take some comfort that I'm an American posting within our nation's borders.

However, our borders, and my right to post any wrongthink seems to get iffier and iffier by the day.