
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Does She Know What the Symbol on Her Shirt Means?

Comrade Karla sent us this news item earlier today:

And we have the first family setting an awesome example while overseas:

One of Karla's friends had a great response, along with a bit of ideological trivia:

I have asked probably a hundred people wearing the "peace sign" over the years what the symbol actually meant and have NEVER had a single person able to correctly identify the specific meaning of it. the answer is always "it means peace" or some derivative of that, never "nuclear disarmament" and certainly never why that particular symbol means nuclear disarmament. FYI, for the record the symbol is the semaphore letters "N" and "D" superimposed on one another.

It goes to my general belief that most leftists are more wrapped around empty slogans than any real understanding of what they are talking about. Style over substance, much like our current administration.

Here's an illustration I found:

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