
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Drone Strikes Good...

(Image by Nate Beeler)

...under Our Dear Leader.  But waterboarding under Dubya--bad. 

How does Obama get away with doing things his predecessor couldn't?

Apparently, there's a memo saying its okay to kill Americans who joined the ranks of Al Qaeda.

That, and of course, the "unbiased" coverage of the lamestream media...

(Image by Eric Allie)

Comrade Karla Sr. asked a few good questions:

Does this mean it’s all right to say, ‘why don’t they just shoot that mad major’ from Ft Hood? Why bother with the judicial process? There’s no question about his guilt. Is it that we don’t want to hurt Islamic feelings throughout the world? Or is it that some of us went to a different school at a different time?

And just in case you find yourself targeted by a Presidential Drone Strike, be sure to follow these instructions...

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