The story so far according to AP/Yahoo!News:
And with our current administration's policies, one of my friend's commented that within 20 years the US will be the only nation without nukes.
My like minded-friends don't have any confidence that our Apoligizer-in-Chief and his administration can effectively confront the threats our nation faces. Especially when they're hellbent on allowing our nuclear capability to whither.
Four days ago, Obama made a speech on the Overseas Contingency Operations, formerly known as the War on Terror. Basically he stated our nation "went off course" in fighting our enemies.
We believe the primary error former President Bush committed was allowing terrorists to be treated like criminals instead of enemy combatants. Our enemies firmly believe they are at war with us. This trend of treating terrorists as criminals will continue to exacerbate our war efforts.
Full context of Obama's speech:
In response, former VP Dick Cheney came out swinging (again) and defended the Bush Administration's action that kept us safe for 8 years:
Meanwhile the issue of GITMO is heating up. Apparently several Democratic senators don't like the idea of bringing terrorist detainees to on to the US mainland--a definite case of NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard)!
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