
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Nutty Nork Leader

(Image by Jerry Holder)

In the latest news coming from "The Land of the Morning Calm:"  North Korea announced plans to jump-start its nuke reactor

The latest tantrum from Looney Un sparked a few comments from friends:

I like how news articles keep saying “but experts don’t think the North Koreans really want to start a war…”

Presumably they haven’t read any history about irrationality/Murphy’s Law etc.
Didn’t they ever see The Bedford Incident?

They don't much like no one did in 1914.  The better sources I follow think the tension is already breaking on the peninsula. Also, the Norks are indicating they're going to start relying more on nukes and less on conventional forces as a way to save money.

At least S. Korea's president warned of a "strong response" against any N. Korean provocations.

1 comment:

  1. The guy lives in a cocoon, so who really knows what he is thinking. Also, since he's new, he may need something to establish his credibility with the old generals who could probably depose him in an instant if they really wanted to. The best way to distract his people from their miserable condition would be a foreign adventure, although in this case he'll likely bring on a nuclear armageddon if he dares attack the south.
