
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Removing America from the World Stage

A few days ago, one of my friends sent us this interesting article, regarding the--as of now--hypothetical fall of Pax Americana.

We've had our own red team discussions about this numerous times in the past.  I think he sums up our collective worries very nicely with his introductory comment:

Nothing earth-shattering in this, but it does touch on my own fears.  Namely, the U.S. has shown itself currently unable to deal with serial and slow-boiling crises.  In the event of multiple, over-lapping crises we are likely to perform miserably - worse, we might do as the author says and seek some sort of accommodation, thereby effectively abrogating our leadership of the world system.  The U.S. is not doomed, but the international system we built and maintained certainly is.  The next few decades will be dark ones.

The upcoming decades may not be quite this dark...

(Iconic Image from Planet of the Apes)
...but dark enough.

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