While many of us inside the Ramparts of Civilization were ringing-in "the Roaring 20s 2.0," Iranian-backed groups of Shi'ite militia attempted to
roar into the American Embassy in Baghdad.
The American Ministry of Truth went into full-fake news mode by calling the military-age males assaulting our embassy "protesters," or "mourners." Then the chattering class wondered if this incident was Our Grand Nagus' "Benghazi."
They didn't have to wonder long.
By Friday, 3 January,
Qasem_Soleimani, commander of Iran's
Islamic_Revolutionary_Guard_Corps (IRGC), and his entourage, found themselves within the
impact area of a Hellfire missile strike.
Since then, all Hell has broken loose among Dimtards, libtards and snowflakes.
Wimpy libtards apologized to Iran and begged for mercy.
Sargon of Akkad hosted the
"best" celebrity tweets of their collective grovelling.
Dan Bongino wondered
what team are the Dimtards on?
Not only were libtards mourning the loss of another "austere religious scholar," but hysteria over "World War III" and a return of the Draft reached fever-pitch, causing the
Selective Service website to crash.
Several commentators have been calling out folks on the right for wanting to "nuke Tehran," or other such calls for full-escalation of tension.
Paul Joseph Watson highlighted all the
World War Cringe across the political spectrum.
I 'm not calling for escalation, but I'm all for taking evildoers, regardless of their bona fides. I never bought-in to the mind-set that taking out a bad guy only upsets all the other bad guys. T
Besides, the hue & cry going on in Iran now hasn't changed since the
Sure, Our Grand Nagus upset the 40-year proxy war Iran has been waging against us by
sending a clear message.
The current situation kinda reminds me of the Star Trek episode
A Taste of Armageddon: An alpha-male has upset the "acceptable level of violence" apple cart and folks on both sides of the on-going undeclared war are freaking out.
Despite the rhetoric by the Iranians and the war-draft hysteria here in America, the likelihood of an all-out war
appears to be low for now.
The Diplomad recommends we should be open to negotiations with Iran--but tell them
we will dismantle their entire infrastructure if they continue to escalate.
While the
"Trump Doctrine" has humiliated foreign enemies and domestic libtards, the Dimtards aren't taking Our Grand Nagus' action lying down. Nancy Pelosi--who still hasn't forwarded the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate--is concocting a
new & improved War Powers Resolution.
Meanwhile, as we wait for possible retaliation by the Iranians--or the Dimtards--we can at least enjoy the plethora of memes the sprung up within hours of Soleimani's
unlamented demise.
Here's some of my favorites:
(Image found on Facebook) |
(Image found on Facebook) |
This is my #1 choice:
(Image found on Facebook) |
I don't know why, but I find memes involving Conan the Dog to be especially funny, which is odd because I'm not what one would call a "dog lover."
I shared the Conan & Trump image with the following comment: Our Grand Nagus received top professional advice before authorizing the strike against Soleimani.
Anyway, if written parody is more your style, there's these gems...
The People's Cube has a
faux romance cover for terrorist eulogies while satire site,
Babylon Bee claims
Democrats called for flags to be flown at half-staff to grieve the death of Soleimani.
I'm sure there'll be more incidents to come that we'll find both amusing and appalling as we near Election Day 2020.