What this means, according to what Ralph Peters said on The O'Reilly Factor, is that our nation will respond to this latest terrorist attack by "...buying more stuff."
We're still playing defense. As usual, the idea of "winning" is not in this Democratic president's lexicon.
I came across this article the other day by Margaret Wente, via Mark Steyn's website:
We're focusing too much on trying to stop the methods terrorists employ as opposed to stopping the killers themselves.
I talked to a friend of mine earlier today, who returned from a business trip. While Abdulmutallab was trying to detonate his underwear, my friend was in Hong Kong. On their return trip, her and her husband were pulled aside and had to go through an extra round of screening--along with several grandmothers.
As far as I know, Mark Steyn coined the phrase "Airport Security Kabuki Theater." Speaking of Mr. Steyn, here's his latest take on this incident:
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