It looks like The One has adapted some of Nixon's methods. Several private citizens have been called out on an Obama campaign website.
Their "crime?"
Contributing to Mitt Romney's campaign. Kimberley Strassel of the WSJ has the story on Our Dear Leader's enemies list.
One friend posted this comment:
...say what you will about Romney, but he really seems to get how to beat the One. I read that his team has based their structure along the lines of Clinton's team, such as establishing a "war room" to make immediate responses to anything Obama says. It seems to be working -- they dropped the "Obama eats dog" message, fired back on the "enemy list," and I see they already have a response out to the Obama commercial that says "Romney would not have gone after Osama." I am more heartened by the day by his seeming competence of the Romney team, and the thin, pathetic (and rather obvious) pleading by Obama that he killed bin Laden and little or no other messaging lately.
If Romney can rise above the margin of voter fraud that will favor Obama, he may just be able to topple the One and usher in the long-awaited era of rising seas, intensifying wars, greater pollution, and racism that all us conservatives pine for!

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