
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The BDS Cheerleaders' Big Lie

(Image by A.F. Branco)

Several days ago, two of the Four Harpies of the Apocalypse, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, tried visiting Israel's West Bank to stir up trouble.

The cover story was to visit Tlaib's ailing granny.

At first, the Israeli Government balked at letting either of the two cheerleaders of BDS Israel into their country.

In less than 24 hours, the Israeli Government relented and was willing to allow Tlaib enter on humanitarian grounds.

Tlaib turned down the offer--because this was all just a political stunt anyway.

(Image by Mike Lester)

Upon their return, they gave a tearful press conference--and called for the condemnation of Israel.

As if on cue, a bunch of House Dimtards are lining up behind the pair, along with perpetuating the Big Lie that Tlaib was denied entry.

I guess they're counting on their continued screeching will drown out what really happened.

Meanwhile, Our Grand Nagus called-out Tlaib's tears as Fake News.

As the former Israeli ambassador to the US said:  This is an attempt to destroy Israel through economic strangulation.

(Image by Lisa Benson)

I certainly agree with the former ambassador's conclusion.

It's a similar case with our border issue.  Allowing people to enter a country with ill-intent can only lead to disaster, for the US and for Israel.

But to end this post on a humorous note, here's one of the latest cartoons from Stilton's Place:

(Image from Stilton's Place Monday Melange)

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