
Monday, August 12, 2019

The Unsurprising Death of Jeffery Epstein

(Image by Tom Stiglich)

This past Saturday morning, "Pedo" Epstein was found dead in his jail cell.

Epstein's alleged suicide will probably be the New Millennia's most infamous case of Dead Men Tell No Tales.

For the most part, I've neither embraced nor dismissed the "Clinton Body Count"--until now. 

(Image by Michael Zikuski's Photography)

From the commentators I've watched so far, the overwhelming majority of folks didn't expect Epstein to survive any type of prison time, so his unlamented demise comes as no surprise.

Nor do they believe the official party line of Epstein offing himself--and succeeding in Suicide Attempt #2.

What I also find disconcerting is there appears to be bigger fish higher up the socio-political food chain than The Woman Who Could Have Been Queen and Trump the Usurper, that could have been ensnared in this scandal.  (As of now people are trying to implicate Our Grand Nagus in a "guilt-by-fellow-billionaire" sort of way).  

In any case, there's plenty of YouTube commentaries and on-line articles about the mysteries surrounding Pedo Epstein's convenient death.

But I'd rather not spend any more time on some dead pedophile than I absolutely have to.

So I'll leave you with this rare instance of bipartisan support:  

Conservatives and Liberals unite--Epstein's death is outrageous and insanely suspicious.

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