
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Independence Day Derangement Syndrome

(Image by Michael Ramirez)

How us normal folks view America’s Independence Day, and our fellow citizens, is illustrated by Michael Ramirez’s political cartoon, seen above.

Unfortunately, it’s 2020.  

So the Dimtards, Ministry of Truth minions, and rank-in-file snowflakes had a collective meltdown over any 4th of July celebrations...

(Image by A.F. Branco)

...especially Our Grand Nagus’ speech at the base of Mount Rushmore.  

And just as with the destruction of statues and monuments all across the country...

(Image by Michael Ramirez)

...very few, if any RINOs (Republican in Name Only) came to America’s cultural defense.

Getting back to Trump’s Rushmore Speech, what the Ministry of Truth called “dark and divisive” was in fact, pro-American.  Honoring all Americans.

(Image by Chip Bok)

Which, I guess, is enough to cause a pandemic of Independence Day Derangement Syndrome among unhinged leftists.

Their collective attack on the 4th of July proved Trump right—they hate America.  Which begs the question:  Can the Left lead a country they hate? 

The short answer is “no,” and it’s a question they can’t answer honestly, especially when their only goal is the aggrandizement of power.

The “Battle of Mount Rushmore” is just one fight over the Heroic Narrative of America against a relentless Cultural Revolution

(Image by Pat Cross)

Independence Day 2020 celebrations were cancelled all across the country—but Black Lives Matter gatherings were still a go.  So the precedence has been set that if Trump the Usuper of 2016 loses to Gropey Joe Biden, we can kiss the 4th of July goodbye permanently.

Fortunately, there’s still hope. 

Our Grand Nagus isn’t the only one fighting back against Cancel Culture mob.  The WSJ calmly countered the Ministry of Truth’s meltdown.

And while most of us normal folks were enjoying a day off, a record number of volunteers were mobilized over the holiday weekend to campaign for Trump’s 2020 re-election.

As a final inspirational note, Liz Wheeler explains why America is the greatest nation on Earth.

(Image by Bob Gorrell)

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