Our DHS Mistress, Janet Napolitano, initially claimed the "system worked."
Not according to anyone who hasn't sampled the PC-Koolaid:
Once again, as with the Ft Hood shooter, numerous red flags were missed or ignored. (I love Holton's term "Islamikaze").
Despite Napolitano's recanting of her initial statement, any official response will mean only one thing--more inconveniences for law abiding travelers.
Mark Steyn rolls-in:
Mark also rolls-in on our lack of real progress in our anti-terrorism security:
Michelle Malkin lambastes Napolitano:
(At the time of this posting, I was unable to log on to Debbie Schlussel's website).
Thanks to Jasper Schuringa, who jumped over some passengers and subdued Mutallab, (not the DHS system), we didn't have a Christmas tragedy.
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