(Image: The Muslim Brotherhood Logo)
As chaos in Egypt continues, there's been more talk about "power sharing" plans in a post-Mubarak Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Andrew McCarthy of the National Review Online (NRO), rolls-in on why this isn't such a good idea:
An islamist Who's Who of Muslim Brotherhood disciples:
The whitewashing of this terrorist organization sparked the following comments:
No concern! Today’s WaPo said the following about the Muslim Brotherhood:
- It is not a player (as an organization) in the uprising - They compared it to the YMCA
- It’s been more a victim of the state than a threat to it
- It is not violent
- “It is not the organization of radical jihadists that it is sometimes made out to be.”
- “It is only the most prominent of an array of political groups”
See, nothing to worry about! And since el Baradei is bought and paid for by Iran, everything is going to be just fine!
They compared it to the YMCA
I'd really like to see the Village People do a song about these guys...
They said it "was inspired by the YMCA when it was founded in 1928..."
I like the song idea...need to replace those bad homosexuals, though. The new group would consist of: the Martyr, the bug-eyed Jihadist, the Bedouin, the Cab Driver, and the Gas Station Worker.
Don't forget the guy with the bomb belt.
Or the dental hygenist...
They honestly said it’s not violent? WTF planet do they live on?!
I'm wondering that myself. I guess WaPo (the Washington Post) thinks this is "moderate:"

And for those of you wondering on just what the Muslim Brotherhood is linked into, here's a sample of jihadi networking:
Courtesy of FaithFreedom:
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