
Friday, February 22, 2013

Suggested "Weapons of Choice"

(Image by Branco)
Ealier in the week, the Colorado legislature voted to make college campuses in the Rocky Mountain state "gun free zones."  During the debate, several outrageous "assertions" were made, which Michelle Malkin rolls-in on
I'm surprised it wasn't suggested to throw feces, like monkeys do, at an attacker.
The "helpful hints" turned out to be a lightning rod for the University of Colorado campus elders and they've pulled the tip sheet.
However, not to be outdone in the less-than sound advice department, freshman lawmaker Joe Salazar, suggested women were too emotionally unstable to be wielding firearms.
This outrageous comment even drew the ire of famous liberals, like Rosanne Barr, who suggested women be trained to make clean headshots.
Normally, I disagree with Rosanne on just about everything she says.  But in this case, I happily make an exception.
However, the battle over our 2nd Amendment Rights continues unabatted.
Joe Biden wants to limit citizens to two shotgun shells--fired in the air to scare off intruders/murderers/rapist/looters. 
Fortunately, 2nd Amendment advocates are fighting back.  The NRA is targeting gun-grabbing politicians up for re-election.  Membership and fundraising for the NRA has taken a quantum leap in the face of possible gun control measures.
I like what Greg Gutfeld said on The Five the other day: Something to the effect that it should be the attacker who does the peeing and puking.  (Sorry, I can't find a direct quote or video link).

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