(Image from: Mad Magazine) |
I've been off line for the past several days involved with car repairs, yard work and room renovations. During this time, I only glanced at last week's triumphal headlines of Private Bowe Bergdahl's release from Taliban captivity.
I'm certainly no clairvoyant, especially since I don't remember anything about Bergdahl being taken in the first place. But despite my faulty memory, a couple things bothered me about this story right from the beginning:
First, I wondered why, after holding him for five year, the Taliban didn't offer him the lead role in their latest jihadi snuff film.
Second, I noticed there was no stirring account how Our Boy Bowe was hip-deep in hand grenade pins when the Taliban captured him.
What suspicions I had, turned out to be well founded:
Within a few days, the whole "hero's return" narrative Team Obama built, collapsed faster than a house of cards in a thunderstorm.
And what a thunderstorm it is.
Several soldiers were killed during the initial search. It was quickly ascertained that Bergdahl had "walked off." A lot of details about the search for Our Boy Bowe was deemed classified.
But now, several Bergdahl's former buddies
are speaking out. His team members even re-united for an
interview with Megyn Kelly on FOX News to tell their story.
The curtain of secrecy is slowly being torn asunder, as it is now claimed that Our Boy Bowe, may in fact be Their Boy. That is,
he converted to Islam and declared jihad against the Great Satan.
Whether this turns out to be true or not, this story is much bigger than some kid's mixed motives and luke-warm loyalties.
First of all, trading "one deserting weasel" for five Taliban leaders certainly
makes it look like we're a defeated nation. And that Our Dear Leader broke the law making the prisoner swap happen, which means once again, there's talk of
By now this should all sound familiar to us.
And speaking of familiar, it looks like Susan Rice just
copied and pasted her Benghazi Talking points for this new "phony scandal."
Apparently, the amateurs and activists that comprise Team Obama have been blindsided by the firestorm they ignited. That's because they consider desertion no more serious than
skipping class.
Now here's a trade, many of us would like to see happen...