Yesterday I was able to watch the various TEA Parties on the only network that aired them--FOX News. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, the TEA Parties (as in Taxed Enough Already) was a grass-roots movement which according to Michelle Malkin's post started here in Seattle, WA.
The other networks--the ones with poor ratings--had different ideas. First the other Mainstream Media (MSM) elites assumed the TEA Parties were sponsored by FOX News. Or, as the New York Times did, they ignored the events--which took place in every state--completely. If they did comment on it at all it the MSM elites were very disparraging towards the tea partiers.
Like CNN's Susan Roesgen's "coverage" of a TEA Party in Chicago:
Unlike a year or so ago, when they gave glowing reports of illegal aliens waving Mexican flags at immigration rallies. My favorite comment regarding this, was made by a commentator from Media Watch: "It wasn't fair reporting. It was one activist interviewing another activist." Bare Naked Islam (linked here under Defense Blogs) posted a comparison between CNN and Russia Today's coverage.
Most insulting of all these supposedly politically correct minded elites had the vulgarity to call the TEA Parties "tea-bagging parties." This term's ignited a firestorm on FOX News and the conservative blogosphere who are outraged by the sexual innuendo of "tea bagging."
I like to think of myself as a sexually savvy guy. But I have to admit, I had no idea what "tea bagging" was. So I had to look it up on-line. The conservative blogs merely talked around it giving me no idea what they were insulted about. So I found a Woman's World blog where some gal posted a comment about her first time performing the act.
It's where someone takes the scrotum of her/his partner into their mouth during sex. (Apparently this is very popular among the gay community).
Okay, now I'm outraged.
I keep thinking of he tune "The World Turned Upside-Down." This was played by the British as they marched out and surrendered their arms at Yorktown, VA in 1781. We now live in a world where MSM "watchdogs" safeguard illegal aliens and terrorists while slandering and condeming hard-working Americans who simply want their voices heard.
What did strike me most about the TEA Parties, compared to the usual gathering of ranting liberal moonbats was this: Everyone seemed to be having fun! They were actually putting the "party" into their TEA Parties. If I wasn't at work, I was seriously thinking of attending one.
Another important observation of yesterday's TEA Parties--there was no violent clashes with police and no property destruction. Both of which are the usual results of moonbat gatherings.
Liberals like to call us conservative-types "uptight," among other things. This may be true for the wingnut fringe. But I find the opposite to be true. That is the vast majority of liberals--the supposedly "live & let live" types--are the uptight ones. Living under the oppressive dogma of Political Correctness, most liberals I know have a hair-trigger reaction to anything and everything they take offense to.
A secondary source for liberal uptightness I think, is because the world hasn't completely conformed to their world-view. And it frustrates the hell out of them.
I did find a nice write-up about an historical tea party re-enactment on the Huffington Post: