...to this:

Most Americans, 72-80% depending on the polls, are happy or at least satisfied with their current healthcare plan.
But according to Obama's commissars our country's current healthcare system, primarily relying on private enterprize, must be entirely revamped to get 50+ million unsinsured access to decent medical care.
There are several problems with this bill:
1. It's $1 trillion+ price-tag.
2. It's so complicated that even its author--Obama (Hillary?)--can't explain it to the general public's satisfaction, no matter how many press conferences he holds.
3. The idea that government run bureaucracy is more efficient than private enterprise is inaccurate, to say the least.
4. Even a compromise "partial program" will eventually drive-out the private insurance companies because they can't compete against the US Treasury.
5. Congressmen, especially the Democrats in favor of this, haven't read the entire 1,018 page bill--and they're hell-bent on ram-rodding this down everyone's throats.
6. Advocates for this bill haven't observed the poor quality-of-care the UK's NHS (National Healthcare System) provides it's subjects. Or maybe they have. While Canada's healthcare system is no better.
One of the issues pointed out is that such a government-run healthcare system warps the relationship between the citizen and the government. "Citizens" are turned into "wards of the state" with little incentive to change the status-quo for fear of disrupting their link to healthcare.
Mark Steyn explains:
There's also a number of disturbing items tacked-on to this bill, un-read by so many.
Like being fined by the IRS if you can't prove you're enrolled in a healthcare plan.
And that at some point the elderly are required to attend some "end-of-life" counselling to discuss "other options."
Betsy McCaughley of the New York Post explains and cites page numbers on this bill:
So the year 2022 is not far off--in more ways than one...

As the healthcare firefight continues, the Democrats in Congress invoked an Orwellian PC censor order on their Republican opponents. Supposedly, Republicans are being told not to refer this as a "governement-run healthcare plan," but a "public-option healthcare plan." Which of course isn't being imposed by a "Democrat-led Congress" but by a the "house majority."
Republicans of course are crying "1st Amendment foul."
Here's a 7-minute video from FOX's America's Newsroom:
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