
Monday, September 17, 2012

Head in the Ballot Box

(Image by Branco)
Over the weekend, a few commentators rolled-in on our government's wimpy response to the attacks on our embassies and diplomatic personnel.
Roger Kimball discusses the multi-layered naivete of our leaders and asks:  Is this a first?
Caroline Glick writes a convincing article about our leaders, previous and present:  Reign of Imagination.
While Ann Althouse blogs about her concern over the government's delusion that it can scapegoat a private citizen for the Middle East's pathologies.
One of my friends voice our collective opinion, rather well:
I am so utterly appalled and disgusted with the CJCS calling that nutter Terry, the Quran-burning goofball. What in the hell place does Dempsey have calling private citizens to pressure them? Did he threaten to send the 82nd Airborne to arrest him? Then again, if the White House can call Google-Youtube and "ask" them to remove videos that do not violate their own policy, I suppose suppression of the First Amendment has become accepted policy. All this in the name of not giving our enemies a "legitimate" reason to attack and kill us.
This crap has got to stop.
Yes, it does.  Otherwise, our culture and way of life will be lost.

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