(Image by Henry Payne)
It's been a heckuva ride for Team Obama this week. All set--kinda sorts--to use some dubiously miniscule amount of force to "fire a shot across Assad's bow" in response to the "overwhelming evidence" the Syrian government. Then Vladimir Putin stepped in and offered to broker a deal of disarming the Syrian government of it's chemical weapons.
Here's where things stand now.
Some liberal media types are tyring to convince us that Obama is Machiavelli incarnate.

(Image by Eric Allie)
But us conservative-ish types see it differently. Essentially, Putin has taken Obama off the hook for something he really didn't want to do.
(Image by Chip Bok)
Czar Putin was even nice enough to write an op-ed in the NYT (this version annotated by the WaPo).
But Charles Krauthammer has read between the lines, exposing Putin's, Assad's and even Obama's strategy and warns about the bitter fruits of epic incompetence.
Michael Gerson concludes that Obama's missteps that have led to our retreat from Syria.
For a thoroughly scathing review of Team O's incompetence, you can read some of The Diplomad's recent posts about:
Driving the Obama-Kerry Clown Car into the ditch .
The sad little man in the world's biggest office
Now we dither
Our Dear Leader and his team are definately out of their league when dealing with Putin. Heck they've been playing out of their league when dealing with Assad, Kim Jong Un, just to name a few from the world's Rogues Gallery.
(Image by Eric Allie)
There's been a lot of message traffic this week between my friends and I over the Russo-Syrian Alliance. This post is already link-heavy, so I'll just add the response from a friend who explained the appeal of this last political cartoon I hijacked from Townhall:
It's...just so hilarious. I find it funny on so many levels because it so concisely reflects the true situation:
1) Obama is so clueless he’s playing the wrong game.
2) Obama is so dumb he doesn’t even know how to play the game he thinks he’s playing.
3) Obama is so smug that he thinks he actually won the game.
4) Putin just can’t believe what a fool Obama really is.
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