While I've been off-line due to work, my e-mail inbox nearly burst with the accumulated message traffic for the past several days.
Nearly all of it had to do with one topic: Syria.
So, where to begin?
First, there's this indictment of Obama's staggering incompetence...
(Image by Eric Allie)
...which of course, now Obama's saying he didn't set any red lines, the world did.
Meanwhile the GOP is also on thin ice, threatening to taking the US back to the 1930s. But on the otherhand most of us conservative types don't want America acting as Al-Qaeda's Air Force.
We're also upset over the blatant about face Democrats, along with the media have done, since "Bush's Wars." Nancy Pelosi is now against it before she was for it, while the DNC Chairman is also for it. Comrade Karla was quick to point out her chutzpah:
"She so forcefully makes the same arguments she condemned just 10 years ago!"
Here's another about-face example:

(Image by Glenn Foden)
The commentators and bloggers I read are all against attacking Syria:
Diplomad is not happy with the idea of attacking Syria, as evidenced by his posts here, here, here and most recently here.
VDH points out how, over the years, Obama indicted Obama and asks, is the war to save face, or save lives?
And finally, Mark Steyn compares "Bush's Wars" with Obama's accidental war.
But it's not going to be an acutal "war," just a "shot across the bow." With all the contortions the Democrats are doing to justify the impending non-war, Dennis Miller rolled-in with this comment on Facebook:
"We have GOT to be the only country that sends out "Save the Date" attack cards."
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